Beverley Holleyoake

Sacred Soulful Passages

Beverley's bio

Hi I am a Celebrant, soul midwife and home funeral guide. I carried out a years apprenticeship with the Founder of Camborne Spiritualist Church and I have worked in this field since 2013, during which time I took further training and became a member of the HFN (Home Funeral Network) I have had the privilege to be able to listen to families create a very personal and fitting ceremony for their loved ones. I work with several independent funeral directors but can also support families as a freelance guide. I have been very fortunate in the range of funerals and rites of passage I have been part of including a sea burial, several Buddhist ceremonies, natural burials, crematorium services, garden burials and ceremonies all unique & deeply moving. Even when we are in the midst of our deepest loss beauty and grace emerge and a profound peace washes over all who are present. The depth of love people give to each other when faced with loss is truly humbling.

I am trained as a  Pyschodynamic Counsellor ,Biodynamic Craniosacrel Practitioner, Herbalist & Astrologer.  In the last three years I have trained in Biodynamic Agriculture, Organic Horticulture & Permaculture Design Course plus Advanced Certificate in Social Systems Design with a keen interest in running  projects for children on personal and environmental  regeneration, living sustainably and in alignment with natural law to harmonise our interconnection to all sentient beings in the near future. Essentially this will involve deep listening in a warm loving joyful, welcoming environment as children are born of their time and have all the tools they need to adapt, remain curious and connected to their inner knowing and unique understanding of the world.

During lockdown I have become  a part-time private carer for several elders in their home with various ailments to include Parkinsons, Dementia and heart disease.

Celebrant Craniosacral Pratitioner & Organic Horticulture


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