Stephen Bloor

Run Right Step Free

Stephen's bio

Hi, my name is Steve Bloor, and I am so grateful to be able to help people regain their lifestyles by helping them to stand, walk and run painlessly. It’s been such a privilege to have helped thousands of patients over the last 30 years. All I can say is: Thank you.

I’m a registered Podiatrist, with 30 years’ experience in treating people. I successfully completed a 3 year full-time Diploma in Podiatric Medicine (DPodM – Degree equivalent) in the 1980s at Plymouth School of Podiatry leading to State Registration.

Since graduating I’ve attended many post-graduate courses in musculo-skeletal podiatry & other areas of lower-limb healthcare. I’ve worked in both the private sector & NHS, and I believe Podiatry can form an integral part of overall healthcare in order to optimise our overall health and wellbeing.

I am passionate about promoting good foot-health in what I call “Positive Podiatry.” I see healthy feet as foundational for general health because healthy feet enable us to stay active!

As part of my commitment to promoting overall health I founded Helston Health Walks in 2010.

I hope I can help you!